Friends, Shipmates and other Sea Salts




Maritime IQ is the home for a number of specialists in many sectors of the marine world, offering their services to people and companies world-wide.





A new company soon to be offering vessels of innovative New Zealand “Kiwi” designs, a range of products to be launched soon.




The Marine Voice is a public relations agency offering a wide range of communications, marketing and media advice. We are passionate about the Marine Industry, the entire industry all sectors recreational and commercial.




eDIY can produce beautiful and functional websites that are fast and easy to maintain. eDIY has been in business for over 15 years and is 100% New Zealand owned and operated.

They can help with eCommerce and selling products and services online, or promotional websites to expand your reach. If you're looking for a great website host and online content management, eDIY is our #1 choice.